Tuesday, 13 October 2015

OUGD401 - Study Task 01 - Image Analysis

These two images are both similar in style and execution but both very individual in message even though the two have a similar value. Both of these images are almost propaganda in a way that both promote two superpowers of the time, America and the British Empire.
The first piece is an American advert for a stove: The Uncle Sam Range. However this is not clear, as it appears that the oven is not the main focus of the image. This piece is incredibly patriotic in style, containing very American traits such as the red whit and blue stripes, the stars and Uncle Sam sitting in the centre and the western, new frontier style typography. It looks like some sort of meeting and within this piece it is made to look as though Uncle Sam is having a meeting with the rest of the world and deciding what to feed it, this idea is driven even further with the cooker being used to cook a lot of food. This represents the arrogance of America at that time. It had been independent for a hundred years and was beginning to be in the state of the American Dream where everyone wanted to rise up and up and become more and more successful. America is almost trying to tell everyone that they can feed the world. However in its arrogant way, America’s racist attitude is clearly visual in this piece with a list of racial stereotypical food types and a comical illustration of a little black boy cooking which implies that this image is targeted at Americans, as anyone else would find it offensive.
The second image is an advert from the British Empire, which attitude is very similar but it has just been done in a different manor, once again it’s a good example of arrogance and racial attitudes. This picture depicts the British Empire being a positive thing bringing technology and an easier life to the colonies that it has taken control of. It demonstrates British ingenuity and I think is trying to show the rest of Britain that the Empirical Project is a good idea, as towards the 1940’s it was starting to fall apart. I believe it is trying to justify the oppression of those it is controlling in other colonies and promoting Imperialism and colonization. This piece is definitely not targeted at the colonies themselves and it shows a Briton leading a work force that looks as though they are being forced into labour. The depiction of the native race has also been drawn in a style that demonizes them much like the little black boy cooking in the Uncle Sam Range advert. The typography in this piece also tells us about the era that this piece is from; it is very Art Deco in style, a style that was very popular at the time.

Together these images are both similar in depicting the arrogance of powerful nations as well as the racial attitudes that they both hold. The two adverts are justifying the oppression of other races and are targeted at the patriarchal and empirical societies that were around at the time. However they both approach this message in different styles both being patriarchal in their individual way.

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