Thursday, 19 October 2017

OUGD601 - Research: What an Art Director Does

In this book, Ward Preston tries to break down the role of an art director in film, as the term is still indistinct. Preston talks about the role of the Production Designer, particularly in contemporary film, being more important than what we now consider the Art Director. He goes through each step to take when considering creating a setting and scenery for the film, colour being the first and one of the most important that he mentions. His argument is that production design should be seamless within the film and it has just as much importance to adding to the story than any other aspect of the film, such as the acting, cinematography and the score. The designer can manipulate the emotions throughout the film and in certain scenes of the film with their design.

‘And like the editing, the camera work, the and the score, sets are most effective when thy don’t call attention to themselves or overpower the story. Just as a composer can use tempo to induce tension or a minor key to convey sadness, the designer has in his vocabulary the visual tools to induce emotions.’ Preston, 1994, 75
Although this reading hasn't been as informative for this essay as others, it is good evidence to back up the colour theory this essay will be looking into in detail.

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