Monday, 22 January 2018

OUGD601 - Synergy & Evaluation

This module was approached with an interest in film, an area of design where an interest has always been. It has benefited my own practice to explore the area critically and practically. To keep on top of the exploration, a timescale plan was created, which wasn’t kept to solidly. The written work was left a little last minute however all the tutorials were attended on time, and planned sessions, the photography reservation and personal print deadline helped to ensure the practical work was met on time. However, I am impressed with my abilities to complete the written work still on time even though it was left a little late.

Film has always been an area of interest and one I hope to go into in industry, so exploring this and growing my knowledge in film and production design has benefitted my practice. I now have a working knowledge in film art direction I can take forward into any future projects. The research was all relevant and contributed to the project. All the research that was taken for the critical essay as well as the practical work informed the design that was produced. There is a combination of academic and visual sources to ensure the body of research was sound. The practical work is evidence for the critical essay, proving that there is a relationship between graphic design and film art direction. The final practical design was influenced by both production design and graphic design, merging the use of production design and colour theory in the photography and using graphic design knowledge to inform a successful design.

It developed well into a solid body of research. To begin with the research question title was vague and needed to be fine-tuned in order to give it a solid focus. The practical work naturally developed into solid evidence for the critical essay. It samples current trends in advertising to inform its design, making it professional and relevant. The critical essay itself demonstrates an awareness of trends in design spanning over the last century. The final practical work is at a professional standard and there isn’t much that could be improved. It suits the Nike ‘look’ and overall has a professional and realistic finish. It could be seen as a genuine campaign and has been presented well in an appropriate mock up.

I enjoyed the project as it is an area of interest to myself as well as an area I hope to go into in industry. I think overall the photography element of the design was particularly successful combining with the colour theory knowledge in the critical essay. It overall informed a strong design and I am pleased with it.

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