Tuesday, 29 December 2015

OUGD401 - Essay Research - Propaganda: Power and Persuation

To back up my analysis of propaganda and graphic work from the period, I looked into a variety of publications. This particular publication, written by David Welch, looks into the development of mass and multi-media of propaganda through the 20th century and how it has grown through the century. This book distinguishes the development of techniques used in propaganda, and closely analyses the characteristics and features.

“Throughout history those who govern have attempted to influence the way in which the governed viewed the world.” Welch, 2013, p. 4

In my argument, I have stated that propaganda, a property of graphic design, was a tool used to influence the public's opinions. This statement from David Welch backs the point I have made in my essay. There are many publications that argue the same point and I have used them to research the techniques and features of propaganda from the period of the Cold War.

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