Friday, 8 April 2016

OUGD401 - Study Task 08 - Practical Exploration

In this module I am going to explore my question and argument through practical design. I have argued in my essay that Graphic Design was a weapon that was used to increase and intensify the tension between the two superpowers; America and Soviet Russia. It was used as a tool to fuel consumerism and demonstrate that the political structure of the country was stronger than its counterpart.

I am going to explore the style of graphic design used within packaging during the period of the cold war that I have talked about in my essay, The mid 20th Century. I will look into its style of colour, layout and typography, to try and understand if this style of design was what encouraged consumerism as much as it did in the 1950's.

Once I have established the design style, I shall rebrand a household product using similar styles and techniques.

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