Friday, 8 April 2016

OUGD401 - Halfway Self Evaluation

My initial aims of this project is to prove that the use of a stylish graphic design in packaging is what encourages consumerism. I am confident that it is what caused mass consumerism in the 1950's and 60's. To prove this I am going to rebrand a product that is already popular using methods and style from packaging of this era.
So far I have used my fellow peers opinions on what is wrong with packaging design today and asked them, from an example of products I have chosen, which of the packaging doesn't work well, which look as though there hasn't been much thought put into it and which aesthetically doesn't look appealing.
Whilst writing my essay, I read a lot into Cold War Modern Design: 1945-1970. This book argues greatly how the use of home products, both in furniture, appliances and packaging, played a huge role in fuelling the consumerism, which was used as a weapon to show strength over the opponent.
So far I have been successful in my work and using the opinions of other designers is benefiting my design ideas. Getting an opinion of the people will show me wether or not the design truly is a reason behind consumerism. I believe that a product which design has had a lot of thought process and reasoning behind its design decisions is going to sell better than a product which packaging that has been mass produced.
Using the opinion of the public is going to be a huge part of my project to prove wether or not my theory is correct. So far I have used the opinions of my graphic design peers which has been beneficial as it's important to get a professional opinion as well as a public one. In order to prove my theory I will have to ask more opinions from non professionals.

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