Sunday, 23 April 2017

OUGD501 - Studio Brief 01 - Further Reading - Carol

In another interview article, Joanna Robinson talks to production designer Judy Becker, who worked on 2015 Carol. In this interview Becker discusses the use of Todd Haynes' look book he provided for the production design team for the production design on Carol. This look book contains imagery from the period the film is set, to aid the production design. The look book was very influential in creating the colour palette for the setting of the film.

Becker discusses the use of an acidic green which is an uncomfortable colour, it isn't a direct pastiche of any existing work but simply a colour taken from the 1950s imagery. This is use of Hutcheon's pastiche and parody. It is aware of what it is referencing and giving it a new use in this film.

As seen in the imagery above, the setting in Carol is referencing simple 1950s imagery and not trying to imitate any existing designs. Whereas Jameson's nostalgia film is created by design imitating existing products without referencing them specifically, this example of design production is aware of its referencing. 

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