Friday, 10 November 2017

OUGD601 - Research: Advertising: Design and Typography

Alexander W. Wright explains the process of design in an advertising, branding and typographic context. His writing will be useful to the essay because he backs up much of the processes that the production designers already looked at in this research, use in their designs. The concept of ensuring there is harmony with the colour choices still stem into other areas of design and not just in film and cinema.
'As a designer, the greatest value you can add is to bestow unity on the elements in your work. Rather than having, say, six elements all doing independent duty on one page, get them all working together to make a single impact. Do this by making them agree with one another: by form, colour, position or style.' Alexander W. White, 2007, 79
In terms of advertising, Wright looks at how images look different in different formats. The use of greyscale, full colour or bitmap all create different themes and evoke different emotions with the audience. He expresses the importance of unity in an image, this is what will make a design successful. Seeing colours that work together well as well as colours that are communicating different information will be pleasing to an audience as opposed to colours used together that are overly abrasive and look unpleasant. Colour can effect any design to gain the attention of an audience, this can be particularly useful when targeting a specific audience. What Wright talks about backs up the concept of the techniques in production design having a role in other areas of graphic design.

White, W. A. (2007) Advertising: Design and Typography. New York: Allworth Press

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