Monday, 20 November 2017

OUGD601 - Research: German Expressionism: The Graphic Impulse

Starr Figura and Peter Jelavich look into German expressionism at depth and how it evolved and had its effect on the arts. It is considered that architecture, painting and film were all at the forefront. They argue that the movement was a reflection of the industrial revolution and growing discontent in Germany at the time.
The movement emerged out of a feeling of dissatisfaction with the existing order, and a desire for revolutionary change.’ Figura, Jelavich, 2011, 10
This sort of gloom and dreariness is what inspired such dark work to be produced. In the graphic arts, wood block printing was an emerging trend, a process that allows the designer to create a shadowy effect. This woodblock movement had a big impact on graphic arts and is part of what defines the expressionist movement. This is good evidence of film art direction and graphic design following the same paths in aesthetic style because of the influence of a movement.

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