Sunday, 20 December 2015

OUGD401 - Essay Research - Design as a Weapon of the Cold War

In my argument, I have used an article written by Mark Sinclair was on the Creative Review. Design as a Weapon of the Cold War argues that graphic design was a battle ground of the Cold War and fuelled the bitter competition between the east and west. The article talks about, in particular, the world fairs that took place to showcase a countries advancements in technology and household appliances. 

“The point was simple: American affluence obscured a coarse and innately violent culture. Agencies promoting US interests in Cold War Europe were highly sensitive to this accusation.” Sinclair, 2008

This quote I have used, backs up the argument I have made that the Soviets were strongly against the consumerist lifestyle that the Americans promoted. The two ideologies clashed for a long period of time, until soon the Soviets realised they needed to take part in this culture to keep the public's belief in their system.

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